The Definitive Guide to Ranking #1 on YouTube in 2024

YouTube continues to be a top platform for content creators. With its advanced algorithms and huge user base, it offers a great chance for visibility. Knowing YouTube SEO in 2024 is key for anyone wanting to improve their presence and reach the top spot.

YouTube SEO - What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

YouTube SEO means optimizing your videos, playlists, and channel to show up high in YouTube’s search results and recommendations. Just like SEO for websites, YouTube SEO makes your content easy to find, which is important for getting views, likes, and new subscribers. Since YouTube is the second largest search engine, mastering these optimization techniques is crucial for any digital content plan.

The Inner Workings of YouTube's Search Algorithm

YouTube’s algorithm ranks content based on several factors, like relevance, engagement, and user satisfaction. It looks at video titles, descriptions, keywords, and performance metrics like watch time, likes, and comments to rank videos. Understanding these elements helps you create content that appeals to viewers and ranks well.

Step #1: YouTube keyword research

YouTube suggest paired with Google Trends

Keyword Research

Use YouTube Suggest to find popular keywords and then check these with Google Trends to see their search volume and trends over time.

Bulk keyword analysis

Use tools like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer to do bulk keyword analysis, which can help you see the competitiveness and potential traffic of each keyword.

Generate new keyword ideas

Look at related searches, questions, and topics in your niche to make a list of new keywords that your audience is interested in.

“Double dip” into Google’s search results

Search Google for your target keyword

See how your target keywords perform on Google, noting any YouTube videos that show up in the search results, which shows a high-interest video topic on both platforms.

Use Content Explorer to search for videos by topic

Use Ahrefs' Content Explorer to find popular videos within your topic area, giving insights into what content gets more traction.

Use Site Explorer and Batch Analysis to uncover high traffic opportunities

Look at the traffic sources and keywords of successful videos to find untapped niches or content gaps in your area of expertise.

Step #2: Identify search intent

Understanding the intent behind searches—whether viewers want to learn something, solve a problem, or be entertained—is key for creating relevant content. Tailor your content to meet these needs to improve its chances of ranking and being appreciated.

Step #3: Satisfy search intent with a high-retention video

Plan your videos before you create them

Before you hit record, take some time to outline your video. Make sure it’s structured in a way that keeps people interested and directly addresses what they’re looking for. This planning step is crucial to maintain viewer engagement.

Start with a strong hook


Kick off your videos by connecting with your viewers' problems or situations. Let them know you understand their struggle right from the start.

Identify the problem

Clearly state the problem that your video aims to solve. This sets the stage for your solution and keeps viewers hooked.


Propose your solution early in the video to keep people engaged. Let them know you have the answer they’re looking for.

Ask viewers to comment, like, and subscribe

Don’t be shy about asking for interaction. Encourage your viewers to comment, like, and subscribe. These actions are important for YouTube’s ranking system.

Strategically edit your videos

  1. Add jump cuts to maintain a dynamic pace and keep viewers engaged.
  2. Pay attention to the gaps in your main scenes to ensure smooth transitions.
  3. Draw your audience’s attention to key points using visual cues or text highlights.
  4. Entertain with stories or narratives to make the content more relatable and engaging.

Create brutally honest feedback loops

  1. Get feedback on the script from peers or mentors to improve the content’s clarity and engagement.
  2. Get feedback on the video edits to polish the presentation before going live.

Step #4: On-Page video optimization

Crafting the perfect title and thumbnail combo

Use your keyword in the title

Make sure your main keyword is part of your title. It should fit naturally and make your video relevant to the search query.

Keep your titles under 60 characters

Short and sweet titles work best. They capture interest and fit well on the screen.

Write catchy titles that evoke curiosity or highlight a benefit

Your title should make people curious or clearly state what they’ll gain by watching. This can boost your click-through rates.

Create a thumbnail that complements your title

Your thumbnail should be eye-catching and relevant to your title and content. It’s the first thing viewers see, so make it count.

Write searchable descriptions

Find related keywords from competing videos

Check out the keywords used in popular videos similar to yours. Include these in your description to improve your video’s visibility. Use a keyword research tool to refine your description strategy, ensuring it's optimized for visibility while providing clear, engaging information about the video content.

Step #5: In-Video optimizations

Transcripts / Closed Captions (CC)

Adding transcripts and closed captions makes your videos accessible to a wider audience, including non-native speakers and the hearing impaired. This also helps search engines understand your content better, improving your SEO.


Use cards to link to other videos, playlists, or external websites. This keeps viewers engaged and exploring more of your content.

End screens

Design your end screens to promote other videos, encourage subscriptions, or direct traffic to your website. This helps keep viewers on your channel longer.

Step #6: Publish and promote your video

Find the best time to publish your video

Look at when your audience is most active online. Upload your videos at these times for maximum engagement right off the bat.

Respond to comments/engage

Interact with your viewers by replying to comments. This builds a sense of community and can increase viewer loyalty and watch time.

Promote to your existing audience


Use email newsletters to share your videos. This drives traffic directly from people who already know and like your content.

Social media

Share your videos on your social media profiles. This helps you reach a wider audience.

How to promote your videos when you don’t have an audience

Add video embeds to your Quora answers

Answer relevant questions on Quora and embed your videos in your answers. This can drive targeted traffic to your content.


Team up with other creators. Collaborations can help you tap into each other’s audiences and expand your reach.

Pay for YouTube ads

Invest in YouTube ads to boost visibility. This can be especially useful for building an initial audience or promoting a major piece of content.

Step #7: Post video analysis and optimization

Analyze your audience retention graphs

Look at your retention rates to see where viewers are dropping off. Use this info to improve future content and keep viewers engaged longer.

Audience retention graph

Use this tool to track engagement throughout your video. Identify what’s working and what’s not.

Check if you satisfied search intent

Review feedback and analytics to see if your video met the search intent of your audience. Make adjustments as needed.

Step #8: Optimize for session watch time

Create a series

Develop a series of videos on a particular theme. This can keep viewers on your channel longer and boost your overall performance.

Use series playlists

Organize your videos into series playlists. This guides viewers through your content systematically, increasing watch time per session.

Use my channel page hack

Featured video

Highlight a key video as your channel trailer to engage new visitors immediately.

Add a playlist

Feature playlists prominently on your channel page to encourage viewers to watch multiple videos in one visit.

Final Thoughts

Ranking #1 on YouTube in 2024 takes a mix of creative content, smart optimization, and active audience engagement. By following these steps, you can improve your YouTube SEO, boost your channel’s visibility, and achieve greater success in the digital space.

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